Krills are little crustaceans that look like shrimps. Krill is a source of food for many things, right from blue whales to salmon; they are one of the most nutritious creatures found in seas. They are loaded with a potent antioxidant called Astaxanthin. They are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which help to lower the risk of stroke, certain cancers, heart attack, overall inflammation, and depression. The Best Krill Oil Review confirms that it is superior to fish oil. Moreover, krill oils are safer, healthier and more potent.
4 Health benefits of Krill Oil
A Powerful Antioxidant
It contains vitamin A, D & E. It is 48 times more potent when compared to fish. It contains a potent antioxidant (Astaxanthin), which protects cells from damages caused by free radicals hence lowering chances of chronic diseases. Astaxanthin crosses blood-brain barrier thus protecting the eye, central nervous system as well as the brain from free radical damage.
Protects the Heart
Medical research has shown that the oil can reduce heart-damaging inflammation. Anyone who takes 300mg of the oil on a daily basis is likely to reduce the CRP levels by up to 19% after one week and up to 30% after two weeks.
Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis Pain
For individuals with low levels of Omega 3 in the body; there is a likelihood of inflammation which can lead to other diseases. The krill oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Regular doses are likely to reduce back pains, joint pains, inflammatory Arthritis and swelling. Some studies also reveal that the oil relieves symptoms and effects of Osteoporosis within a period of 14 days
Improves Brain Function and Development
The powerful nutrients Chlorine and Omega fatty acids in the oil enhances the functioning of the brain and improves memory, behavior as well as cognition. Studies show that low levels of Omega 3 (particularly DHA and EPA) can contribute to cognitive decline.
Findings show that there is an improvement of up to 46% in mental concentration and 49% in mental focus within three months for individual taking the supplement. The potent antioxidant ( Astaxanthin) has a rare ability to cross blood brain barrier and to get rid of free radical which may bring cognitive impairment
Other Health Benefits of Krill Oil includes: improvement in mental health, improved immune system, improve skin health, anti-aging properties, and Alleviates Premenstrual Symptoms. However, anyone who is allergic to shrimp should not take the supplement. If this is the case, then one should stick on fish oil supplement. Individuals on blood thinners should consult the doctor before taking fish supplements.