No one likes the feeling of a bad tooth. The drawing pain can be worse that many other things that you can suffer. Toothaches are a common condition that many of us have to deal with in our lives, but there are some things you can do to avoid them and also reduce the pain in case you have a decaying tooth. Here are some home remedies to help you reduce the pain but if you are having a decaying wisdom tooth that is giving you a lot of pain we recommend you consult a dentist who specializes in removal of wisdom teeth so that you can get rid of the pain.
Home remedies
These are temporary treatments you can do to alleviate the pain you are going through until you can get professionalĀ help and they are not a permanent solution. However, we do advise you to not even come to the stage where you have decaying teeth by maintaining good oral hygiene. Remember that these remedies are easy with all ingredients available in most homes.
Cloves and clove oil
This spice contains something called eugenol which is a natural anesthetic and will numb the area around your tooth helping reduce the pain. Place a drop or two on the affected area or soak a cotton ball in the oil and place it on the tooth. You can also bite a clove on the tooth in case you do not have the oil.
Wash your mouth with salt water
Salt is known for killing off many types of bacteria. Dissolve some salt in warm water and rinse your mouth with it. It will help get rid of any puss and also kill germs. It is a temporary solution for a toothache.
This ingredient has many useful health benefits, and it can also be used to alleviate this condition. Smash a few cloves of garlic and mix it with a pinch of salt. Apply the paste on the affected area, and you will get some relief. In fact, garlic is a natural antibiotic that will help stop the spread of bacteria. There are no bad side effects from eating garlic apart from the fact that your breath will smell of it for a few hours.
The best option is to prevent a toothache from ever happening by brushing and flossing daily without fail. You should also avoid certain foods that can damage your teeth and cause them to decay.…